1. Analysis/Problem
a. Describe a complicated
problem you have had to deal with on the job. How did you identify
or gain a better understanding of that problem?
b. What kind of information have you been required to analyze?
one of your most difficult analyses.
c. Have you ever had to review proposals submitted by a vendor
or by
another team? Tell me about one of those situations.
2. Teamwork/Collaboration
a. Interacting with
others can be challenging at times. Describe a situation
when you wished youd acted differently with someone at work.
happened? What did you do about the situation?
b. Tell me about one of the toughest teams/groups youve
had to work with.
What made it difficult? What did you do?
c. Can you give me an example of a team decision you were involved
recently? What did you do to help the team reach the decision?
d. Sometimes it can be frustrating and trying to get information
from other
people so that you can solve a problem. Please describe a situation
youve had like this. What did you do?
3. Adaptability
a. Tell me about a
situation when you had to adjust quickly to change in
organizational/departmental, or team priorities. How did the change
affect you?
b. Tell me about the manager/supervisor/team leader who was the
difficult to work for. How did you handle this difficult relationship?
c. Sometimes we have to work under new policies we dont
agree with. Tell
me about the last time you disagreed with a new policy or procedure
instituted by senior management. Why did you disagree? What did
you do?
4. Customer Service
a. Tell me about a
difficult internal/external customer you've had to deal with.
Why was he/she difficult? What did you do?
b. Describe a time when you took steps to make sure an internal/external
customer was satisfied.
c. Tell me about a time when you were able to respond to an internal/external
customers request in a shorter period of time than was expected.
Contrast that with a time when you failed to meet an internal/external
customers expectations. What was the difference?
d. There arent enough hours in the day to ensure that every
customer is
totally satisfied. Give me a recent example of when you didnt
have the
time to satisfy a customer totally.
5. Planning and Organizing/Work
a. We all have had
times when we just couldnt get everything done on time.
Tell me about a time when this has happened to you.
b. Has your time schedule ever been upset by unforeseen circumstances?
Give me a recent example. What did you do then?
c. What objectives did you set for this year? What steps have
you taken to make sure youre making progress on all of them?
e. At one time or another weve all forgotten to do something
important for a customer. Tell me about a time this happened to
you recently. What did
you forget? Why? What happened?
6. Organizational
a. Tell me about a
recent business problem you solved. How did you utilize organizational
structure (policies, systems, etc.) to solve the problem?
b. Sometimes you just have to disregard existing organizational
policies to get something done. Tell me about a time when you
knowingly disregarded
an organizational policy. Why did you choose to disregard the
policy? What happened?
c. In order to keep a customer satisfied, sometimes you have to
make a commitment that may not be realistic. Tell me about a time
your organization
was unable to keep a commitment you made. What happened?
d. Give me an example of a time when you made a decision only
to find out later that it was rejected. Why was it rejected? Why,
do you think, was it
not approved through your systems?
7. Motivational Fit
a. When were you most
satisfied/dissatisfied in your work? What was most satisfying/dissatisfying
about that?
b. [Creativity] Tell me about a time when you were able to be
creative in your work. How satisfied were you and why?
c. [Independence] Tell me about a time when your work was closely
supervised. How satisfied were you with that and why?
d. [Interaction] Tell me about a time when you had many opportunities
to interact with others at work. How satisfied were you with that
and why?
8. Written Communication
a. Tell me about one
of the most important documents you have written. What reactions
did it receive?
b. Have you written proposals for external customers? Tell me
about the best one you ever wrote. Why was it the best? How did
you know that it
was good?
c. Weve all written a memo that called for specific action
only to discover later that those who received it didnt
do what they were supposed to do.
Can you give an example of when this happened to you?